Be an Inclusive Employer

Linking qualified candidates with meaningful employment opportunities.

Become an inclusive employer and you’ll be making a smart choice for your business and your community. Businesses who hire people with disabilities have less turnover, increased productivity levels, and higher profitability.

more likely to buy

78% of Canadians are more likely to buy a product or service from businesses that employ people with disabilities.

better attendance

86% of employees who have a disability have average to above average attendance records.

retention rates

Statistics show that retention rates are 72% higher among employees who have a disability.

We provide free employment services to employers in the North Muskoka region. Our services include job coaching, on-the-job training, and free skill-building workshops for the entire team. One of our unique services is helping employers identify the gaps in their employment needs. We’ve worked with many local employers to customize jobs, known as job carving, to improve their daily operations.

We also search for local businesses who will partner with us to provide learning opportunities for the people we support. This may include meeting with someone to do an informational interview or giving a tour of your business so they can learn about the industry.


Interested in Becoming an Inclusive Employer? Contact Us Today.