Our Vision & Purpose

Our Vision

Our Vision

Opening doors in an inclusive community.

Our Purpose

Our Purpose

Fostering inclusiveness for people to live, work and play in unique and purposeful ways.

Our Values and Commitments

With respect, integrity and a deep commitment, to provide supports and advocacy for individuals with developmental disabilities in order that each may grow to be the decision makers in their own lives at home, school, work and within the communities of North Muskoka.
We consciously, strategically and intentionally value:

Person Centered Principles

All supports and services stem from the person, their hopes, dreams, needs and support networks, which are fundamental to the dynamic person directed planning and building of a good quality of life.

Compassionate Wisdom

Our actions reflect a deep regard for all people and are tempered by respect, compassion, empathy and experience.


With passion, pride and enthusiasm in everything we do; we are driven to be the very best we can be, aiming to exceed expectations. With courage, we initiate and embrace change; continuously self-examining, improving, and evolving.


We are ethical, accountable and honest. We follow through on our commitments and responsibilities.


We commit to being flexible and responsive to changing circumstances.


In the pursuit of our vision and mission and with a deep commitment to community responsibility, we cultivate and honour relationships and the contributions.