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Harvey’s Restaurant in Huntsville recognizes Disability Employment Awareness Month

Harvey's Restaurant

#DEAM #EngageTalent Today’s featured employer in recgonition of Disability Employment Awareness Month is Harvey’s! We would like to recognize Harvey’s restaurant in Huntsville for being an inclusive employer. They have employed someone that receives supported employment supports for over 10 years! Thank you to Harvey’s for understanding that hiring people with disabilities makes good business sense.

in recognition of Disability Employment Awareness Month 2016 we will be featuring photos of local inclusive employers.
Each day we will be adding a new employer and photos of people working.
Please visit #EngageTalent and #DEAM for more information. Engage talent by sharing your own inclusive employment stories on social media using the hashtag #DEAM
To learn more about Community Living Huntsville’s employment supports program please contact Michelle Ainsworth at or phone 705. 789. 4543 Ex. 241
Open your doors to increase profits!!
There is a strong business case for enhanving business performance through innovative labour solutions
-Did you know 78% of Canadians are more likely to buy a product or service from a business that has a policy of hiring persons with disabilities?
Boost profitiability by reaching new markets
-Improve your employee retention; statistics show retention rates are 72% higher among persons with disabilities
-A diverse work team that includes employees with disabilities creates a wider range of solutions to business issues and research shows these teams are often more creative and productive
-Engage talent from a qualified labour pool, in both small and large business across every industry sector
-For more information on how to open your door to this talent pool visit